Coming soon

Action and Evaluation Topic
Workshop 4 : Sitting-out Area, Plaza
(English Session)

Simulating the project execution and evaluation stage of the designated POS projects, participants will dive into user engagement, designing, procurement and post-occupation processes. With the aid of the draft POSsible! Design Guide and POSsible! Design Thinking Toolkit, participants will be better at defining problems, ideating solutions and delivering innovation with cross-disciplinary stakeholders.

29 August 2022 | Monday
14:00 - 17:00

Large Multi-Function Room BEF, G/F, H6 Conet, The Center, 99 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kon

Professor Chong Keng Hua, Associate Professor & Collaboration and Social Programme Coordinator, SUTD [Singapore]
Mr Larry Yeung, Executive Director, Participate in Design (P!D) [Singapore]